Meeting of the Port Phillip City Council


21 February 2024







Minutes - Meeting of the Port Phillip City Council - 21 February 2024



MINUTES OF THE Meeting of the Port Phillip City Council HELD 21 February 2024 IN St Kilda Town Hall AND VIRTUAL VIA TEAMS



The meeting opened at 6:32pm.




Cr Cunsolo (Chairperson), Cr Baxter, Cr Bond, Cr Clark, Cr Crawford, Cr Martin, Cr Nyaguy, Cr Pearl, Cr Sirakoff.


Chris Carroll, Chief Executive Officer, Brian Tee, General Manager City Growth and Development, Tarnya McKenzie, Acting General Manager Community Wellbeing and Inclusion, Lachlan Johnson, General Manager, Operations and Infrastructure, Claire Stevens, General Manager Organisational Capability and Experience, Joanne McNeill, Executive Manager Governance and Organisational Performance, Fiona van der Hoeven, Manager City Planning and Sustainability, Bridget Monro-Hobbs, Manager Community Services, Xavier Smerdon, Head of Governance, Lauren Bialkower, Executive Manager City Growth and Culture, Thomas Mason, Coordinator Transport Safety, Emily Williams, Council Business Advisor, Carly Eyckens, Mayoral Executive Assistant.



The City of Port Phillip respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of this land, the people of the Kulin Nations. We pay our respect to their Elders, past and present. We acknowledge and uphold their continuing relationship to this land.




1.      Apologies




MOVED Crs Martin/Nyaguy

That Council:

·            Approves the leave of absence for Mayor Heather Cunsolo for the period 22 February to 8 March 2024; and

·            Appoints Deputy Mayor Louise Crawford to be Acting Mayor for the period 22 February to 8 March 2024.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.


2.      Confirmation of Minutes

MOVED Crs Nyaguy/Martin

That the minutes of the Meeting of the Port Phillip City Council held on 7 February 2024 be confirmed.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.


deferral of item

Mayor Cunsolo advised that following a request for removal of Confidential item 17.1 ‘Provision of Recycling Processing Services’ from the CEO and with their consent, the item was removed from the agenda in accordance with Rule 19 of Council’s Governance Rules. This item will be considered at a future Council meeting.





Condolence motion - REG MACEY

Reg Macey, former South Melbourne City Councillor and Mayor who sadly passed away on 30 January 2024.

MOVED Crs Pearl/Bond

That Council:

·       Expresses its deep regret on the passing of Reg Macey..

·       Offers its sincere condolences to their family and places on record its appreciation for their service to the City of Port Phillip.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.


4.      PUBLIC QUESTION TIME and submissions

Public Questions are summarised below. The submissions were made verbally and can be listened to in full on our website:

Public Question Time:

·      Sheena Chhabra: Today, I stand before you as a concerned citizen and member of the Plant Based Treaty, a global initiative to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by animal agriculture and to promote a shift to healthier, sustainable plant-based diets. Australia faces climate breakdown with severe impacts like heatwaves, droughts, bushfires, and rising sea levels, as witnessed in the devastating 2019-2020 bushfires. Port Phillip is already feeling the effects with increased temperatures, reduced rainfall, and rising sea levels. I applaud Port Phillip Council for declaring a Climate Emergency in 2019 and formulating sustainability action plans, yet our food system is a critical and overlooked aspect. Will Port Phillip Council join 26 global cities including Amsterdam, Edinburgh and Los Angeles by endorsing Plant-Based Treaty and table an update to its Climate Emergency Action Plan to include a food based strategy?

Fiona van der Hoeven, Manager City Planning and Sustainability thanked Sheena for bringing the Plant Based Treaty to Council’s attention. Council is now aware that 26 cities worldwide have endorsed the treaty, but none in Australia to date. Council is already doing several things in this area, including, our catering policy (2020) which requires that we consider the environmental impacts of our menus and ensures we provide vegan and vegetarian options. Council also manages five community gardens, another four run by community groups on lands managed by other authorities in our municipality and we have seven raised planter boxes in Council parks and reserves for communal use. Vegan and vegetarian catering is provided at many events. For example, the annual Schools Sustainability Festival has enjoyed vegetarian catering for 18 consecutive years. Council will continue to understand the impact of our actions and look to build environmentally sustainable initiatives.


·      Isaac Hermann: Concerning the Elster creek catchment memorandum of understanding (MOU) and flood leadership committee. Has this agreement been extended for another term or has it now run its course? If the MOU has officially run its course, then under what arrangement does the CEO’s Forum and the Officers’ Working Group continue to meet? I’d ask where are the notes, minutes or records pertaining to the CEO’s Forum meetings? Was the Elwood Main Drain Duplication Project discussed at those meetings? Is the CEO our representative at the State’s Flood Leadership Committee, and if so, has the CEO followed up on the Council’s plea for State government support for six proposed flood mitigation projects? Were these proposals and the Elwood Main Drain Duplication Project discussed by the Flood Leadership Committee? Will the CEO in that case make the minutes of these discussions available?

Has the City of Port Phillip given any official or unofficial go-ahead to Melbourne Water for its proposed Elwood Main Drain Duplication Project, and if so, where is this documented, and how is that Melbourne Water states that Council officers are already dedicating hours and energy to this project?

Will Council insist that any consideration of the proposed Elwood Main Drain Duplication Project must necessarily factor in the certain damage to the bay coming from the ever-increasing amounts of filthy floodwaters from a staggering 67% increase in Glen Eira’s Elster Creek Catchment dwellings between 2016 to 2036 that will briefly pass through an under-performing Elsternwick Park flood retarding basin?

I’d ask the Council or a Councillor move a Notice of Motion to reflect its willingness to act in a manner consistent with the Elster Creek Catchment MOU, the Elster Creek Catchment Flood Management Plan 2019-2024, the EPA (Waters) Act 2018, the Coastal Marine Act 2018, and State Planning Policy Framework July 2018, in all contact regarding Melbourne Water’s Elwood Main Drain Duplication Project and to be open and transparent at all levels of operation regarding flood mitigation.

Fiona van der Hoeven, Manager City Planning and Sustainability thanked Isaac for the questions. In relation to Elster Creek, Melbourne Water co-ordinate all the meetings and host all the information on their website. In addition, Melbourne Water have the ongoing operation of the Community Advisory Panel, with the most recent meeting held on 5 December 5 2023. In relation to the Flood Leadership Committee, Council’s CEO has recently been appointed to this committee which is a Melbourne Water run initiative. As a member, the CEO is able to speak to our challenges broadly, particularly as a coastal and inner urban Council. 

In relation to the Elwood Main Drain Duplication project, Council considers this as an important project to assist in mitigating flooding issues in Elwood and surrounds. Council has a project manager overseeing the discussions with Melbourne Water about access arrangements, area of occupation, reinstatement and benefits for the community. Council shares Isaac’s concerns about pollution and impacts on green space and will continue working with Melbourne Water to reduce impacts to both the community and the environment.

Chris Carrol, Chief Executive Officer, also thanked Issac for the questions and advised that a more detailed response would be provided outside of the meeting to ensure all responses are captured. The CEO advised that they have recently been appointed to the flood leadership Committee, and while they are yet to meet, this is scheduled for the near future.


·      Jack Rejtman:  HousingFirst has relocated residents and begun clearing units at 17 Grosvenor Street, informing residents their 20 unit social housing block will be demolished in May 2024 to build 68 new units. However, despite scores of written requests for information and consultation from both residents and neighbours, Housing First has not publicly disclosed their plans. As Governor of the Port Phillip Housing Trust, will Council request in writing that HousingFirst provide details about their proposed Grosvenor redevelopment before demolition begins in May? Specifically, residents want to know:
- What is the project roadmap for demolition, redevelopment and community consultation?
- How will the Grosvenor precinct be impacted and future residents integrated into the community? (e.g.more than tripling homes will impact green space, natural light, privacy, security, parking, heritage character & essential services)
- How will Council ensure redevelopment most benefits and least harms the community?

Tarnya McKenzie, Acting General Manager Community Wellbeing and Inclusion advised that Council does not currently have power as Governor of Port Phillip Housing Trust to require HousingFirst to provide project information, to share this with the community, or to require them to conduct community engagement. HousingFirst are intending to utilise a provision in the planning scheme where the proposal is determined by the Minister for Planning, not by Council. When an application is lodged, the State Government will undertake a public notification inviting comments. As part of this process, local residents will be able to provide feedback. Council would be included in that notification and Council officers will provide comment. It should however be noted there are no third-party rights of appeal. Council officers and the CEO will continue to seek information from HousingFirst regarding this project including its approach to community engagement and support for tenants.

·      Teresa Warren: Residents and visitors utilise the front area of St Lukes Church as a meeting and eating place and regularly leave litter behind. The littler is often in the hedge which is impossible for church goers like myself to clear away. Can Council please install extra litter bins in this area. Another favourite meeting spot for people is on top of the hot water pump on Dorcas Street, South Melbourne. Can Council please consider installing a litter bin in this area also?

Chris Carroll, Chief Executive Officer mentioned that it was lovely to see Teresa at the St Kilda Festival and hoped that they enjoyed themselves. The CEO advised that they had commenced follow up with Council officers in relation to the request for additional bins and committed to come back to Teresa with an outcome as soon as possible.









Council Report Submissions:

Item 9.1  Aged Care Reforms Future Model for Endorsement

·      Coralie Ling

·      John Spierings

·      Rhonda Small

·      Ian MacDonald

·      Leslie Rosenblatt

·      Martin Kingham

·      Gael Wilson

·      Murial Arnott

·      Carolyn Hutchens

·      Brenda Forbath

·      Peter Moraitis



Item 10.1  Integrated Transport Strategy Review – Engagement Findings and Recommendations

·      Jon Green

·      Henry Green

·      Andrea Paul

·      Josh Szental

·      Katherine Aistrope

·      Justin Halliday

·      Geoffrey Edwards

·      Jaz Bradley

·      Julie Clutterbuck

·      Daliah Leuzzi




Item 10.2   Pickles Street Safety Improvements – Evaluation 

·      Philip Edmands




Item 13.1  Proposed Lease of the Port Phillip Eco Centre in the St Kilda Botanical Gardens  

·      Jan Cossar




Item 14.1 Notice of Motion – Councillor Peter Martin – Heritage Verandah Upgrade Project

·      Anne Michaels




5.      Councillor question time

·      Councillor Pearl: I’ve observed that parking attendants have been working as School crossing supervisors recently. Can officers confirm if this is the case and if so, what is the reason for this?

Brian Tee, General Manager City Growth and Development advised that Council has around 30 schools or areas that require school crossing supervisors. At the moment we have around 29 of these areas covered, however It is a continuous struggle to keep those positions filled. Often workforce gaps are identified at short notice, on those occasions we are required to fill those gaps due to the safety of children attending those schools. We do from time to time fill those roles with parking officers. Council is conscious of this issue and looking for a more permanent solution.

Councillor Pearl followed up to ask if the parking officers are issuing tickets under these circumstances.

Brian Tee, General Manager City Growth and Development confirmed that they are not. 


6.      Sealing Schedule


7.      Petitions and Joint Letters


The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:50pm.

The meeting resumed at 8:02pm.


8.      Presentation of CEO Report

8.1     Presentation of December CEO Report - Issue 103


1.1     To provide Council with a regular update from the Chief Executive Officer regarding Council’s activities and performance.

MOVED Crs Martin/Clark

That Council:

3.1     Notes the CEO Report – Issue 103 (provided as Attachment 1).

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.


9.      Inclusive Port Phillip

9.1     Aged Care Reforms Future Model for Endorsement


1.1     To seek Council endorsement to implement a new model for aged care service delivery referred to as the “Village Model.”

MOVED Crs Baxter/Nyaguy

That Council:

3.1     Acknowledges the ongoing commitment to supporting older people to age positively in our community.

3.2     Notes that the Commonwealth Aged Care Reforms drive a need for Council to review the way it delivers services to older people to ensure it is viable, relevant, efficient, and demonstrates best value to the community.

3.3     Notes the feedback from staff, clients, community, advisory committees, community groups and unions received through the formal consultation process has informed and shaped the recommended future model of service delivery- the Village model.

3.4     Defers any decision to relinquish back to the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) funded services to no later than August 2024 until Council receives a further detailed report on options for continuing to deliver CHSP in-home services.

3.5     Notes that the Regional Assessment Service (RAS) will cease on the 30 of June 2024 at the conclusion of the contract with the Commonwealth.

Cr Baxter requested that the vote be taken under DIVISION.

FOR:              Crs Baxter, Crawford and Nyaguy

AGAINST:     Crs Bond, Sirakoff, Martin, Pearl, Clark and Cunsolo



MOVED Crs Martin/Cunsolo

That Council:

3.1     Acknowledges the ongoing commitment to supporting older people to age positively in our community.

3.2     Notes that the Commonwealth Aged Care Reforms drive a need for Council to review the way it delivers services to older people to ensure it is viable, relevant, efficient, and demonstrates best value to the community.

3.3     Notes the feedback from staff, clients, community, advisory committees, community groups and unions received through the formal consultation process has informed and shaped the recommended future model of service delivery- the Village model.

3.4     Endorses the implementation of the Village.

3.4.1    Endorses the relinquishment of Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) funded in-home support services (domestic assistance, personal care, respite care, social support -individual, property maintenance and home modifications) back to the Commonwealth.

3.4.2    Approves notifying the Commonwealth of Council’s intention to relinquish CHSP in-home services and our commitment to work together to ensure a smooth transition for clients to Commonwealth approved providers.

3.4.3    Continues to deliver Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) funded community-based services which include delivered meals, transport, and social connection programs.

3.4.4    Approves notifying the State of Council’s intention to relinquish HACC/PYP funded in-home support services (domestic assistance, personal care, respite care, social support -individual) back to the State.

3.4.5    Continues to fund and deliver the hop on hop off bus service.

3.4.6    Establishes a Community Connector service that will provide older people with a single point of contact for Council to support them to navigate the aged care service system, whether that be to link them to the Commonwealth Government’s support at Home Program, or to access other activities and supports in the city to assist them to age well. Council will continue to be a first point of call for community members requesting this type of support and the Community Connector service will be reviewed after 12 months to ensure it is delivering its role effectively.

3.4.7    Approves an annual budget of $0.42m in the 10-year financial plan which is an increase of $0.065k in the Community Services budget and includes the establishment of the Community Connector roles.

3.4.8    Approves one off business transition costs of $0.36m in the 2024/25 financial year for business improvement activities to establish the Village Model, in addition to the annual recurring budget of $0.42m.

3.4.9    Notes that $1.81m one-off transition costs incurred by the relinquishment of funded in-home support services will be considered as part of the budget 2024/25 development.

3.4.10  Approves the implementation of the Village model by no later than September 2024.

3.5     Notes that the Regional Assessment Service (RAS) will cease on the 30 of June 2024 at the conclusion of the contract with the Commonwealth.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED.

Cr Baxter called for a DIVISION.

FOR:              Crs Bond, Sirakoff, Martin, Pearl, Clark and Cunsolo

AGAINST:     Crs Baxter, Crawford and Nyaguy



10.    Liveable Port Phillip

10.1   Integrated Transport Strategy Review - Engagement Findings and Recommendations


1.1     To present the review recommendations and community engagement findings from the mid-strategy review of the Move, Connect, Live: Integrated Transport Strategy 2018 – 2028.

Councillor Nyaguy left the chamber at 9:19pm and was not present for the vote of this item.

MOVED Crs Bond/Clark

That Council:

3.1     Thanks the community for taking part in the review of the Move, Connect, Live: Integrated Transport Strategy.

3.2     Notes the results of the consultation on the Strategy.

3.3     Notes the progress on actions to date described in Attachment 3.

3.4     Endorses updates to five of the Strategy’s indicators and discontinuance of six indicators used to measure progress due to changes in availability of data sources and alignment with other Council polices.    

3.5     Endorses an amended Action 18 in the Strategy from:

Deliver a network of dedicated and continuous protected bike corridors to create safer routes for all ages and abilities”


Action 18a: “Deliver a range of interventions to build a network of connected, safe riding options, ensuring safety for people of all ages and abilities.”

and adds

Action 18b: “Advocate to State government to deliver protected bike corridors on state-managed arterial roads.” 

3.6     Authorises the CEO (or delegate) to make minor editorial changes to the Strategy to reflect the endorsed review recommendations.


MOVED Crs Martin/Cunsolo

That Council amends action 18a at part 3.5 of the recommendation as indicated in bold:

Action 18a: “Deliver a range of interventions to build a network of connected, safe riding options, ensuring safety for people of all ages and abilities, and continue to explore opportunities for the provision of protected bike lanes in the City of Port Phillip.”

A vote was taken and the AMENDMENT was CARRIED.


a vote was taken and the SUBSTANTIVE MOTION was CARRIED.

Councillor Nyaguy returned to the chamber at 9:30pm.


10.2   Pickles Street Safety Improvement - Evaluation


1.1     To present the results of the evaluation of the Pickles Street Safety Improvement Trial and recommend the permanent closure of the median at the intersection of Pickles Street and Bridge/Glover Street Port Melbourne.

MOVED Crs Pearl/Martin

That Council:

3.1     Notes that the intersection of Pickles Street at Bridge Street and Glover Street is identified as a Road Safety Black Spot.

3.2     Notes that the trial has proven to be successful in that the trial addressed the main cause of the recorded crashes, without significantly changing traffic volumes in the adjacent local road network.

3.3     Endorses making the trial median closure at the intersection of Pickles Street at Bridge Street and Glover Street permanent.

3.4     Advises the community of the outcome of the trial, next steps, and thanks them for their contribution.

A vote was taken and the motion was lost.

Cr Crawford called for a DIVISION.

FOR:              Crs Baxter, Bond, Martin and Pearl

AGAINST:     Crs Crawford, Sirakoff, Clark and Cunsolo




11.    Sustainable Port Phillip

11.1   Stormwater Harvesting Program


1.1     To consider the next steps in the Stormwater Harvesting program.

MOVED Crs Clark/Baxter

That Council:

3.1     Notes the five options for the Stormwater Harvesting Program included in this report.

3.2     Pursues option 5 to:

(a)   place Fitzroy Street/Catani Gardens Stormwater Harvesting Scheme on hold.

(b)   pursue potential partnering and funding opportunities with South East Water and other State Government partners, on the Elwood Park Expansion Stormwater Harvesting Scheme.

(c)   Receives a further report on the outcome of the discussions with South East Water and the State Government.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED.


12.    Vibrant Port Phillip


13.    Well Governed Port Phillip

13.1   Proposed Lease of the Port Phillip EcoCentre in the St Kilda Botanical Gardens, St Kilda


1.1     To conclude the statutory procedures for a proposed lease of the Port Phillip EcoCentre in the St Kilda Botanical Gardens at 55A Blessington Street, St Kilda, pursuant to section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020.

MOVED Crs Martin/Crawford

That Council:

3.1     Concludes the statutory process under section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020 by granting a lease over the Port Phillip EcoCentre site to Port Phillip EcoCentre Incorporated on the following key terms:

3.1.1    Length of lease – 15 years.

3.1.2    Rent – commencing at $104.00 per annum exclusive of GST.

3.1.3    The tenant to be responsible for a schedule of maintenance and for all utilities and outgoings associated with the operation of their service.

3.2     Authorise the Chief Executive Officer, or their delegate, to execute the lease.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was LOST.

Cr Baxter called for a DIVISION.

FOR:              Crs Baxter, Crawford, Martin, Nyaguy and Cunsolo

AGAINST:     Crs Bond, Sirakoff, Pearl and Clark

The MOTION was carried.


13.2   Financial Update 2023-24: Mid-Year Review


1.1     To provide Council with an overview of the results of the mid-year 2023/24 performance to budget and seek approval for any unbudgeted items.

MOVED Crs Martin/Nyaguy

That Council:

3.1     Notes that full year cumulative cash surplus before the mid-year budget requests is $0.1 million which is $0.77 million unfavourable compared to budget of $0.87 million with the following movements:

3.1.1    Notes additional funding of $0.18m approved by the Chief Executive Officer for emergency works related to the St Kilda Foreshore Lighting Renewal Project (funded from the Asset Renewal Reserve)

3.2     Notes attachment 1 – Financial Statements with accompanying explanatory notes.

3.3     Approves the following budget requests with a net financial impact of $0.07m for 2023/24 and $0.38m for 2024/25 including (see attachment 2):

3.3.1    $373,000 additional for the Elwood Reserve Change Rooms and Toilets project due to outcome of tender process. Noting funding of $277,000 from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Stage 4 and the remaining $96,000 to be included in Budget 2024/25.

3.3.2    $150,000 additional for the JL Murphy Baseball Infield project due to outcome of tender process. Noting funding of $75,000 from Open Space Reserves and remaining $75,000 to be funded from the 2023/24 cumulative cash surplus.

3.3.3    $359,000 additional for the Albert Parks Bowls Pavilion Upgrade to expand scope of works to include upgrade of the male facilities and office contingent on a financial contribution of $266,000 from the Albert Park Bowls Club and also addition scope to include accessibility compliance requirement with remaining $93,000 to be included in Budget 2024/25.

3.3.4    $372,000 additional for the JL Murphy Soccer Pitch 2 Reconstruction due to updated costings through the design phase. Noting funding of $186,000 from Open Space Reserves and remaining $186,000 to be included in Budget 2024/25.

A vote was taken and the motion was carried unanimously.


13.3   Councillor Expenses Monthly Reporting - November and December 2023 and January 2024


1.1     To report on the expenses incurred by Councillors during November and December 2023, and January 2024, in accordance with the Councillor Expenses and Support Policy.

MOVED Crs Pearl/Sirakoff

That Council:

3.1     Notes the monthly Councillor expenses report for November 2023 (attachment 1) and that this will be made available on Council’s website.

3.2     Notes the monthly Councillor expenses report for December 2023 (attachment 2) and that this will be made available on Council’s website.

3.3     Notes the monthly Councillor expenses report for January 2024 (attachment 3) and that this will be made available on Council’s website.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.


13.4   Records of Informal Meetings of Council


1.1     To report to Council the written records of Informal Meetings of Councillors at the City of Port Phillip as required by the Governance Rules.

MOVED Crs Pearl/Sirakoff

That Council

2.1     Receives and notes the written records of Informal Meetings of Council (attached) as required by the Governance Rules.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED unanimously.


14.    Notices of Motion

14.1 Notice of Motion – Councillor Peter Martin – Heritage Verandah Upgrade Project

MOVED Crs Martin/Cunsolo

That Council:

1.         Waives permit fees valued at $35,000 for the Clarendon and Coventry Streets Business Association to assist in completing their Heritage Verandah Upgrade project.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was carried.

Cr Bond called for a DIVISION.

FOR:              Crs Baxter, Crawford, Sirakoff, Martin, Pearl, Clark, Nyaguy and Cunsolo

AGAINST:     Cr Bond

The MOTION was carried.


15.    Reports by Councillor Delegates



MOVED Crs Pearl/Nyaguy

That Council accepts an item of urgent business relating to Local Government Legislative Reforms.

A vote was taken and the motion was carried.


16.1  Local Government Legislative Reforms Submission

MOVED Crs Pearl/Baxter

That Council:

3.1     Notes the request from the Victorian Government for feedback on Local Government Victoria’s (LGV) Local Government Reforms 2024 Consultation Paper (Attachment 1).

3.2     Thanks LGV for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Local Government Reforms 2024 Consultation Paper, but notes the challenging timeframe provided has impacted the organisation’s ability to support Council to engage with the proposed changes.

3.3     Authorises the Mayor to make a written submission to LGV’s Local Government Reforms 2024 Consultation Paper on behalf of Council aligned with the key points outlined in section 4.11 of this report.

3.4     Authorises the CEO, or their delegate, to support the Mayor’s submission.

A vote was taken and the MOTION was CARRIED.



17.    Confidential Matters

As previously advised by Mayor Cunsolo at commencement of the meeting, item 17.1 ‘Provision of Recycling Processing Services’ was removed from the agenda.



As there was no further business the meeting closed at 10.06pm.


Confirmed:                  6 March 2024


Chairperson    ________________________________________